
So Excited to Use My Erin Condren Life Planner

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I've been waiting patiently for January to get here because I couldn't wait to try out my new Erin Condren Life Planner. Most of you know that I usually create my own household management binder that includes room for daily to do lists, menu plans and much more. Lately, however, my friends have been raving (like lunatics) over their Erin Condren Life Planners. So when I got my hot little hands on a $20 off coupon code, I jumped on it. For 2014, I’m using this baby…. It even has my name on it!  I thought I’d give you a [...]

find more in : In the Home, Organization

Make Your Own Simple Household Management Binder

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Over the years, I've tried lots of different home management methods. Some were designed by others, some were thrown together by me. None of them worked. They were either too elaborate, taking more time than they saved or they weren't thought out well enough to be efficient. Over the past year (2012), I've been thinking through plans for a Home Management Binder. I jotted down ideas, created templates with google, made lists and prioritized. At last, I think I've come up with a SIMPLE system that will work for me, and just might work for you too. The Simple Household [...]

find more in : DIY Projects, In the Home, Organization