So Excited to Use My Erin Condren Life Planner

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Erin Condren Life Planner

I’ve been waiting patiently for January to get here because I couldn’t wait to try out my new Erin Condren Life Planner.

Most of you know that I usually create my own household management binder that includes room for daily to do lists, menu plans and much more. Lately, however, my friends have been raving (like lunatics) over their Erin Condren Life Planners. So when I got my hot little hands on a $20 off coupon code, I jumped on it.

For 2014, I’m using this baby….

Erin Condren Life Planner

It even has my name on it!  I thought I’d give you a quick run through in case this might be something you could use to keep chaos at bay.


First is has a Special Dates two-page spread where you can see all your birthdays and anniversaries at a glance. I really, really need this as everyone in my family knows I am the WORST at remembering birthdays.


Then there’s two pages that encompass a Year at a glance for July 2013 – December 2014


Each month gets its own two-page spread, with a place for notes on the side.


And my favorite…each week gets its own two-page spread with room at the bottom of each day for notes. I’m going to use this space to do my meal planning and the note area to the left side of the page to keep my shopping list.  Each day is broken down into sections for morning, noon and night so you can make your plan of attack.


In the back, there are pages of colored stickers so you can color code your family’s activities. There are also stickers you can use specifically for games, birthdays, hair appointments, vacation, etc. If you are a family with more than two kids or have kids that are involved in the more than one extra-curricular activity, I would suggest adding extra color coded stickers to your planner (there is an extra charge to do so).


There’s also a two-sided folder to hold loose papers….


And a resealable see-through pocket, and year at a glance calendars for 2015 and 2016 along with complimentary, personalized gift tags.

I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed. My only concern is the small size, but I’m remaining optimistic. Also, I’m cutting all my stickers in half, because three stickers take up a whole calendar square and with five kids, well, that just isn’t gonna work for us.

If you’re interested in a Life Planner from, head on over and create an account. When you do, you’ll receive a $10 credit to use on anything on the site.


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