Mamasource: $12 for $24 Worth of Healthy Products from Lucky Vitamin

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MamaSource Healthy Deals from Name Brands
Lots of my friends are making drastic lifestyle changes, namely in the area of nutrition. Aside from making generally healthier choices, many have switched to gluten-free, some have gone totally organic and others have decided to veto all GMO products from their diets.

This can get really expensive so when I noticed this deal from Lucky Vitamin on Mamasource, I thought I’d post.

For just $12 you can get a $24 voucher to Lucky Vitamin. There is a $5.95 flat rate shipping charge or FREE shipping with a $49 order. Either way you go, it works out to a 25% discount, except with the $49 order, you’ll obviously be spending it all on product instead of shipping too.

Lucky Vitamin offers healthy snacks for school, personal care, baby wipes and diapers, nutritional supplements, detox and cleansing products, green household products, and more from brands like Summer Infant, 18 Rabbits, Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, Babo Botanicals, Burt’s Bees, KIND Bars, Nature’s One, Seventh Generation, Cliff Bar, Mommy’s Bliss, Yogi and many more.

Plus, once you create an account at Lucky Vitamin, you can earn account credits for referring friends!

Mamasource by Mamapedia

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