For the record, yes, I am aware that school just ended.
And yes, I am indeed blogging about how to save on back to school supplies already…even though summer just started.
Why? Because last year the Back to School deals started in July. JULY.
In fact, I pretty much missed the first two weeks because our family vacation fell right in the middle of it, and because I wasn’t ready to start thinking about back to school shopping.
So this year, we’re going to talk about four ways you can save on Back to School supplies and we’re going to do it NOW.
Shop at home first
If your home is like mine, and especially if you’re a money-saving frugalista, then you probably already have extra crayons, markers, free bic pens, notebook paper and a few extra 25 cent rulers from last year lying around the house. Start here.
News Flash: Your children (my children) do not need to start every. single. school year with brand new rulers, scissors and back packs.
Save money by using what you already have!
Shop with a supply list
Whatever you do, shop with a list! Otherwise, you will inevitably end up buying items your children will never need or use.
Shop with a list of specific items your student needs. You can obtain a list from many back to school retailers like Walmart and Office Depot. And many schools post supply lists on their websites.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy your 6th grader that pencil bag they just fell in love with because it’s not on their list. It’s just really easy to get caught up in all the penny deals and “mommy, can I please have” requests from your kids and end up with 42 things you don’t even need (or want) and a big dent in your budget.
Shop Early
Like now. Seriously.
As I mentioned earlier, Back to School deals are starting earlier every year. So keep an eye out for good prices even before they start advertising. And be ready to jump in when they do.
(BTW…Uptown Grocery Co. in Edmond has Top Flight notebook paper for $0.50 per pack and spiral notebooks for $0.25 each!)
It’s better to be proactive, get it out of the way and enjoy the rest of your summer than to put it off and be rushed, stressed out and paying full price in August.
Savings Promotions
And of course, as July approaches, be sure to check in with Staples, Office Depot, Target and Walgreens every week to see what loss leaders they’re advertising.
You can save a bundle on things like crayons, markers, pencils, glue, notebook paper, folders, rulers, highlighters and more which will free up your budget for those more expensive items like backpacks and lunch totes.
How do you save on back to school supples?