Blessing Others

If you have been looking for a family-friendly way to serve those affected by the tornado that ripped through Moore, OK  two short weeks ago, here's an idea. The parents of a friend of mine are working out of a local church, providing meals - more than 1500 per day -  to anyone who needs one. They need volunteers to help serve meals and organize donations that are being dropped off.  This is something your kids could help you do. They also need food prepped and brought down (sandwiches, breakfast casseroles, etc). If you're interested in serving or preparing food, [...]

find more in : Blessing Others

Homeland C.A.R.E.S. Coupon Books 50% Off in May

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Most of the coupons in the Homeland C.A.R.E.S. coupon books will be expiring at the end of July (don't worry, they'll issue another one). Because of this, The HUB Mission Ministry is putting theirs on CLEARANCE! During the month of May, you can pick up this valuable coupon book for just $2.50. That's 50% off and it INCLUDES POSTAGE to ship it! Each booklet contains $40 worth of great coupons that are valid at Homeland and good through the end of July. Most of them will double at Homeland stores. On the back of the booklet, there is a $5 [...]

find more in : Blessing Others, Homeland

Donate Gently Used Sports Equipment to Cleats For Kids

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Do you have any gently used sports equipment that your kids have outgrown? Sequoyah Middle School is collecting new or gently used sports equipment for Cleats for Kids through January 31. What does Cleats for kids do? They support Oklahoma kids’ involvement in sports by collecting, cleaning and distributing donated sports shoes, clothing/uniforms and equipment to kids in need. What sports items do they accept? They accept donations of new and used sports items such as cleats (football, soccer, baseball and softball), basketball shoes, running and tennis shoes, shin guards, footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, softballs, basketballs, football shoulder pads and pants, [...]

find more in : Blessing Others